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Office of Human Resources

ePAF - Electronic Personnel Action Form

Electronic Personnel Action Form (E-PAF) is a web based tool that allows authorized users to submit request for hire and change notices in an electronic format from any internet capable device. The E-PAF eliminates the need for a paper form; creates more efficient movement / sharing of information; and allows authorized users greater monitoring capabilities:


*Hint: Same user name and password used for logging into your computer*

Please note that all new hires/rehires to Queens College must submit the appropriate paperwork to complete the onboarding process before submitting any ePAF. All requests to forward new hire/rehire information should be submitted to ohr.employeeservices@qc.cuny.edu. Questions regarding the ePAF system, its uses, functionality, and concerns regarding the processing of an ePAF should be sent to ohr.employeeservices@qc.cuny.edu.


If you are faculty/staff and you haven't claimed your QC username, click here.
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